Back in June, Disney Cruise Line announced their itineraries for the fall of 2022. However, that announcement left out finsh later. The rest of the 2022 itineraries on the Magic and Fantasy were recently announced, but Disney is still leaving everyone wondering about the Wonder. While we're waiting to find out what the Wonder will be doing, let's look at what the Magic and Fantasy will be doing at the end of 2022.
Previously, the Magic had itineraries announced up to December 9th, when it'll be going on cruises from Galveston, Texas. Starting on December 9th, the Magic will go on a 4-night Very Merrytime Western Caribbean cruise from Galveston that visits Cozumel, Mexico and spends two days at sea. After that, the Magic will go on two 5-night Very Merrytime Western Caribbean cruises that visit two Mexican ports, Cozumel and Progreso, and spends two days at sea. Following those two cruises, the Magic will begin a 4-night Very Merrytime Western Caribbean cruise on December 23rd. It's the same itinerary as the 4-night cruise earlier in the month, but it's significantly more expensive because it goes over Christmas. On the 27th, the Magic will begin a 6-night (not Very Merrytime) Western Caribbean cruise that visits Cozumel and George Town, Grand Cayman. Additionally, it spends three days at sea. This cruise is very expensive because it goes over New Year's Day. Overall, the Magic won't be doing anything too interesting to finish 2022, but at least we now know what it'll be doing.
Let's see what the Fantasy's going to do in December 2022. Before the most recent announcement, it was revealed that the Fantasy would be doing a 7-night Very Merrytime Western Caribbean cruise (this itinerary spends two days at sea and visits Cozumel, Mexico; George Town, Grand Cayman; Falmouth, Jamaica; and Castaway Cay) beginning on December 3rd, followed by a 7-night Very Merrytime Eastern Caribbean cruise (this itinerary spends three days at sea and visits Tortola, BVI; St. Thomas, USVI; and Castaway Cay) starting on December 10th. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the month isn't too interesting. It'll do another 7-night Very Merrytime Western Caribbean cruise and then a really expensive 7-night Very Merrytime Eastern Caribbean cruise that goes over Christmas. After that is another expensive cruise, a 7-night (not Very Merrytime) Western Caribbean cruise that goes over New Year's Day.
We now know what every DCL ship but the Wonder will be doing up until the start of 2023. The Wonder may not be doing any cruises at the end of 2022 because of a dry dock, but I doubt Disney would schedule one then, because as we saw, cruises can get expensive over holidays like Christmas and New Year's Day. Maybe Disney just isn't sure what to do with the Wonder at the end of 2022 yet. Or, maybe they're planning something big and don't want to announce it yet. For example, they might move the Wonder to the West Coast of the US. With the addition of the Wish, DCL will have more guests than ever before, so maybe they want to expand their offerings, which are mainly cruises from Florida at the moment. This would be a major change, so Disney may be waiting for the perfect time to announce this. Of course, the ship is called the Wonder, so maybe Disney wants us to keep wondering about the Wonder so we'll be more prepared to find out what it'll be doing at the end of 2022. I don't know when they will make an announcement, so I'll keep wondering!
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