A few weeks ago, I asked you what you wanted Disney to add on their future ships. I got 4 comments with some awesome suggestions.
Patrick said he would like more pools and possibly a lazy river. The pools are always crowded during days at sea, and they are just too small for ships with thousands of people on them. Patrick also said that a second funnel vision screen showing something different from the first one. I'm not sure how this would work, since the current ships have the screen on the forward, nonfunctioning funnel. If there was a second funnel vision, it would have to be on the second funnel, which is the functioning one. Since the artist's depiction of the new ships had a big slide (possibly an AquaDuck 2), I'm not sure how anyone could fit the slide mechanics, a screen, and the normal funnel mechanisms on one funnel. Work your magic, Disney!
Patrick also said he wants bigger non-concierge rooms that could fit six to eight people. With a big family, it can be challenging to go on a cruise, since you'd need two rooms to fit everyone.
Patrick (wow, he was busy) ALSO said he wants another Midship Detective Agency game on the new ships. I really enjoyed this game on the Dream and Fantasy, and it would be a shame if Disney didn't include something like this. Maybe they could use the Disney Cruise Line Navigator mobile app instead of using physical badges. He also thought it would be cool if the detective games were incorporated into a special mystery dinner on longer cruises.
Another reader also wanted more pools. They also hope for more ship activities, like an escape room. Maybe part of the new Midship Detective game will make you go through the escape room! That would be really cool. They also said a VR room would be a nice addition. I'm not sure how this would work, but maybe the mobile app would be used for this.
This same person wishes that Disney would change their itineraries to visit more islands. The Dream visits Nassau multiple times a week, and this is a bit of a waste, since there is nothing super exciting to do there. Also, many repeat Disney cruisers have been to Nassau before, and if a lot of people don't like Nassau, why does Disney still go there so often? This could easily be changed to other Bahamian islands, such as Freeport. Oh yeah, Disney is possibly buying another island, but that's another story.
Back to the reader, they also thought about leaving the Wonder on the West Coast year round. Disney has a big audience there because of Disneyland. It would give many people the chance to go on a cruise after their trip to Disneyland, which is already possible in Florida. It'll mean more money for Disney, so why wouldn't they do it? Another option would be to leave the Magic in Europe all year, which is also a good way for Disney to take a bigger audience's money.
Two other readers responded, with one hoping to have a mix of the Arr-Cade (RIP) and the Disney Infinity room on the Dream.
Nope, that won't happen.
The other hopes there is more Edge space for tweens. This is a good idea. Edge on the Magic and Wonder is really small compared to the Oceaneer Club and Lab. Sure, it's a smaller age range, but if it was a little bigger, I don't think anyone would be that sad.
Those were all the comments the previous post got, if you'd like to share your thoughts, feel free to comment on this post. I'd like to thank everyone who commented their ideas. You all had very good ideas, and I really enjoyed reading them.